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Kindergarten Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme (CRES)

Kindergarten Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme (CRES) is a best practice model for local councils to support families and carers in securing a kindergarten place for their child.

What is CRES?

CRES is a best practice model for local councils to support families and carers in securing a kindergarten place for their child. Currently, 57 councils operate a CRES for some or all services in their municipality.

CRES provides a single point of contact for families to apply for multiplekindergarten services within a local government area. This streamlines the applicationprocess, ensuring children are placed in a kindergarten that best meets theirneeds, without having to work through the various processes and priorities usedby individual service providers.

Additionally,CRES allows funded kindergarten places to be allocated equitably to eligible children, in line with the Department of Education Priority of Access criteria.

Benefits for Families:

  • CRES councils manage the registration for kindergartens within their municipalities, making it easy and fair for families to find a suitable kindergarten place.
  • There is less paperwork to complete as families can apply for multiple services within the LGA.
  • Families will receive communication from the CRES provider within set timeframes providing offers and enrolment forms.
  • CRES ensures equitable access to kindergarten for children who experience vulnerability.

To find out more:

  • Contact your local council: Visit in person, call or visit their website.
  • Other resources: You can also ask your Maternal and Child Health service, local library, child and family support service or Supported Playgroup facilitator about CRES in your area.


For additional details, visit Kindergarten the Central Registration and Enrolment webpage.