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LOOKOUT Streamlining Access Officers

LOOKOUT Streamlining Access Officers (SAO) are part of the Department of Education (DE) workforce, and aim to improve the engagement of vulnerable children and promote enrolment into high quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) with a focus on children known to Child Protection aged 0-3 years.

Who is involved?

The SAO, Early Childhood Learning Advisors (ECLA), and the broader LOOKOUT workforce collaborate with the following stakeholders to increase enrolment in high quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) services:  


  • DFFH Child Protection Practitioners
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs)
  • Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services and Local Government
  • Foster Care and Kinship Care agencies  
  • Contracted Service Organisations (CSOs)  
  • Internal DE stakeholders, such as Koorie Engagement Support Officers(KESO) and Early Childhood Improvement Branches (ECIB)
  • The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare
  • Integrated Family Services 

What support is available? 

With a focus on children 0-3 known to Child Protection SAOs: 

  • build sector capacity regarding the value of, and how to access and identify, high quality ECEC for children aged 0-3 years
  • work with, and provide guidance to, internal and external workforces regarding processes and practices that are effective in facilitating timely access to high quality ECEC
  • liaise with agencies to assist navigation of the ECEC system, including Department of Education programs, State funding and Commonwealth Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS)
  • promote Koorie Kids Shine program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  • clarify local information sharing approaches, with respect to MCH, the Early Childhood Agreement for Children in Out-of-Home Care and the Child Information Sharing Scheme to collectively identify children missing out on quality ECEC.


Reach out to your local SAO through the relevant region LOOKOUT contact:

  • South Western Victoria Region: lookout.swv@education.vic.gov.au
  • North Western Victoria Region: lookout.nwv@education.vic.gov.au
  • North Eastern Victoria Region: lookout.nev@education.vic.gov.au
  • South Eastern Victoria Region: lookout.sev@education.vic.gov.au